BRANDING A PERSON (the House of Marley example)

by Kurt on June 1, 2012







What do you do when your father is a… legend? Obviously, you want to bank on that, take that baton and keep going. All good and well, but you a least need the same “skills” as your dad to make that happen. Tragic if that isn’t the case. You’d think. Well, this is more or less what happened to Rohan Marley, youngest son of famous and infamous BOB MARLEY. Rohan is in awe for his father, wants to keep the flower-power-reggae cult alive, but guess what…he can’t sing. What do you do?




Rohan Marley

R. Marley took it from a totally different side, unlike his brother Ziggy. He created a Marley trademark, The House of Marley, and is now determined to roll it out across the globe. Awesome.









How is he doing it, and what can we learn from his marketing approach?


House of Marley has a fabulous range of products that look and feel like “Marley” -I can’t say it differently. The green-yellow-orange-red visual identity is what we all know from Bob Marley (he actually created a strong “visual identity” before that word was even conceived!). Music quality and performance is critical – House of Marley delivers superior products in their line up. AND, their products are eco-friendly (they call it earth-friendly).  It all breathes “reggae”. It all breathes Bob Marley. One-Love so to speak, comes through loud an clear in all they do.


Apart from headphones, where it all started, House of Marley has some “funky” additions. Look at their latest iPod-carrying example, the “Bag of Rhythm”:








or their portable audio system that looks like a (reggae) djembe:










An easy one for House of Marley. A portion of the proceeds go to 1 Love, the nonprofit organization founded by Bob Marley’s family to support kids, the planet, and peace. Very nicely tied to the reason for founding House of Marley, but also to the spirit of Bob Marley’s view on the world: kids matter, the planet is all we have, and peace&love will save the world.


No matter how 70ies you are, as a brand of the 21st century you have to find ways to be modern looking without losing the spirit of nostalgia and authenticity. And I personally think this is where House of Marley excels. Their website has all it takes to live and breathe “Marley” but it is still contemporary and current in a genuine way.







Here’s a video with Rohan Marley. In style -it looks like he’s had his shot of weed for the day, LoL:


By the way, this is not Rohan’s first stint … he also founded “Marley Coffee”. Check it out here.


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