Left/Right Brain … not as we know it! [how insight in the human brain might change marketing]

by Kurt on July 20, 2013

I’ve always been half of a psychologist/psychiatrist (so they say -LoL), hence why the following blog post might seems strange to you, but normal to me.

The notion of the left & rights side of the brain may not be as we all know it (i.e. left = information/logic, right = creativity/emotion). The new paradigm and thinking around brain functioning is important to understand for us, marketers. Why? well- that’s simple: to (better) understand how decisions are being made by our consumers, what drives them, how they view brands, you name it.

The new thinking goes as follows: the right brain controls flexibility & capacity for empathy and abstraction but lacks certainty. The detail-oriented left brain prefers mechanisms over living things, has an inability to see past the literal, and opts for self-interest. Very different than the ‘old’ point-of-view…

A must-see video on how the brain really works is here:


Now, man and women have different brains! To understand this particular fenomenon, look at this very entertaining video:


What do we do with all this?

First of all, we need to understand the brain better, as marketers. We need to dig into neuroscience more and utilise it to unfold the “black blox” that is consumer behavior. Following humar psychology, and insights in the latest brain discoveries might be interesting future additions to the marketing discipline. See what I wrote on the LIZARD BRAIN here.

Secondly, we’ll have to adapt research. Read my previous blog post on that HERE!

What say you?



Thanks for stopping by and reading this article! Let me know what you think – here, on twitter (@kurtfrenier), on facebook, or on LinkedIn. Kurt.

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