Here’s my ultra simple success mantra for Twitter: “WAGIT”

by Kurt on September 10, 2011








 I have been gradually building my twitter following WITHOUT paid services, or FOLLOWERS mechanism. The only thing I did was stick to some simple principles. It might not be super-fast (I’ve gone from 100 to about 1300 in about 8 months), but it gives you followers you want/need and stability (I only have few unfollowers).







I follow a simple acronym: “WAGIT

W-elcome. Say hi to people. Let them know when you are there and when not. I tweet in the morning and sign-off in the evening. No confusion.

A-amplify. Boost great content (RT, quote, engage, answer questions). Pass stuff on to your followers; that’s what they are looking for anyway.

G-genuine. Be real. Don’t BS. Add relevant content only. And be “human”. Engage with other people. Talk about your life. That’s what Twitter is built for.

I-terative. Post similar things on different times a day. Rotate your tweets. Find intervals during the day to send a quick tweet. Otherwise, your followers might miss out on a lot.

T-thanks. Say thank you, more often than not. Thank-you has great power. And it keeps the conversation going…


I actually ran a Twitter experiment 2 years ago to “discover” the wonders of twitter. These were the early social media & twitter days for me, but some of the principles still apply:



Thank you for reading this post. Give it a try and tell me how it works for you .

Find & follow me on twitter: @kurtfrenier



{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Constance November 7, 2011 at 8:21 am

Extmerley helpful article, please write more.


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